
Industrial and Commercial Services

Service Lines:

Commercial Organization

Client Situation

A leading packaging services company closed an acquisition of a major competitor, resulting in a global leader

The combined company had a mix of overlaps and complementary offerings, capabilities, customers and geographies

The client needed a new commercial organizational model that would enable it to capture revenue synergies and position it for long-term growth

How We Helped

Using pre-close work we completed on customer segmentation and revenue synergies, we evaluated both commercial organizations for alignment to the growth opportunity

Collaborated with the management teams to define an organizational vision and a set of design principles and decision criteria

Co-created with management several new commercial models and evaluated each for potential fit

Pressure-tested each model and recommended a ‘front-back’ model that placed sales and marketing resources close to customers and in geographies, with offerings and operations led from regional centers

Drafted new roles and adjusted others, along with decision rights and governance, to fit the model, and guided a talent selection process


Successfully generated consensus on a new commercial organization that aligned with multiple customer segments to serve the combined business

Client generated several noted customer wins with cross-selling from the broader portfolio within a few months of implementing the new model, and retained key sales and marketing talent