
Industrial and Commercial Services

Service Lines:

Growth Strategy, M&A

Client Situation

A leading U.S.-based environmental services firm was at a cross-roads in terms of its long-term growth strategy

The business had a successful history serving clients in its end market (water) but revenue growth had flattened and competition had become more fierce

The company needed to set a new strategy to guide its growth and fend off competitors

How We Helped

Interviewed management and key stakeholders to gather their perspectives on the company’s opportunities, capabilities, challenges and concerns

Conducted extensive primary and secondary research with customers, market participants and competitors across several end markets and geographies

Tested several growth options – service line expansions, end market diversification, geographic expansion, and acquisitions

Identified and evaluated several acquisition candidates that would fit with different options

Conducted several workshops with the leadership team to debate and assess growth options

Generated consensus on the growth strategy


Client pursued our recommended growth strategy to stay focused on its end market but to add new services and expand geographically in the U.S. and in the EU where it had a small presence

Client made significant progress in executing its strategy over the next year which caught the attention of a larger EU-based competitor that ultimately led to the merger of both companies to create a global leader