
Commercial Services

Service Lines:

Growth Strategy, Commercial Excellence

Client Situation

A Private Equity firm recently closed on the acquisition of a third-party logistics company, which needed help to develop a strategic plan to realize its ambitious growth goals.  The company also need to scale up its commercial capabilities to support its growth plan.

How We Helped

The project was completed in two phases.

Phase 1:

Prepared an overall approach and helped to define key strategic issues to address

Collaborated with the management team to identify and evaluate a range of growth opportunities – vertical markets, new services, operations needs

Conducted multiple workshops, helped to draft business cases and detailed execution plans

Prepared a Board presentation for approval

Phase 2:

Collaborated with the client to baseline current sales and marketing practices

Developed a detailed customer segmentation that aligned with the growth strategy

Prepared a target customer prospect list for immediate use by the sales team

Drafted new sales and marketing roles, reporting structure and decision rights

Modelled sales resource needs over 5 years

Designed sales incentives plan

Updated sales KPIs and tracking tool




Growth plan received Board approval

Management team is moving aggressively to execute the plans

Client adopted recommended commercial solutions and moved forward with implementation quickly